Pre-Compra de DCS: Combined Arms

Apa nens, aneu a agafar la fregona:

DUXFORD, UK, May 31st 2012 – The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics will offer DCS: Combined Arms as a digital download pre-purchase for $29.99 in June 2012. Pre-purchase also provides access to pre-release Beta versions of the title.

DCS: Combined Arms gives the user control of ground forces during the battle. Use the strategic map to move ground forces, set artillery fire missions, and control the ground battle. Assume the role of a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and designate targets for close air support aircraft, or directly control an armor vehicles or air defense weapons and engage enemy forces.

Play DCS: Combined Arms as a real time strategy game, a first person armor warfare simulation, or direct the ground battle from the cockpit of a DCS aircraft like the A-10C Warthog, Ka-50 Black Shark, or P-51D Mustang.

DCS: Combined Arms supports both single player and multiplayer gameplay. When in multiplayer, different players can take on different roles such as artillery commanders, tank commanders, pilots, JTACS, etc. DCS: Combined Arms allows you full control of the battle. All roles can be changed dynamically during the battle.

Features of the DCS: Combined Arms:

• Move ground forces and direct their fire during a mission.
• Be the Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and direct close air support.
• Jump into the seat of many armor and air defense units to engage enemy air and ground forces.
• Play in both single player and multiplayer games.
• Both small and large scale battle missions included.
• Part of DCS World

Estic per fer la compra ja.... casumdena! Això de articular-ho tot al DCS: World comença a tenir una pinta a-co-llo-nant!!!! çXD çXD çXD çXD
Extracte dels forums de DCS: CA



DCS: Combined Arms gives you control of ground forces during the battle. Use the strategic Command Map to move ground forces, set artillery fire missions, and control the ground battle. Assume the role of a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and designate targets for close air support aircraft, or directly control an armor vehicle or air defense weapons and engage enemy forces.

Play DCS: Combined Arms as a real time strategy game, a first person armor warfare simulation, or direct the ground battle from the cockpit of a DCS aircraft like the A-10C Warthog, Ka-50 Black Shark, or P-51D Mustang.

DCS: Combined Arms supports both single player and multiplayer gameplay. When in multiplayer, different players can take on different roles such as artillery commanders, tank commanders, pilots, JTACS, etc. DCS: Combined Arms allows you full control of the battle. All roles can be changed dynamically during the battle.

Command Roles

A new function that Combined Arms introduces is the ability to set ground command roles and the number of players that can take each role (for multiplayer). Roles include:

• Ground Commanders that control all types of friendly ground forces.
• JTACs that provide unique features to designate ground targets for close air support.
• Game Masters that see and control all units from both sides.
• Observers that can view all of the action, but not direct any units.

Mission designers can choose which of these roles to include in a mission and how many multiplayer slots for each one.

In addition to the ground command roles, players can also direct ground forces from the cockpit of their DCS aircraft.

Command Map

The Command Map is the strategic interface that allows you to move ground forces, set formations and Rules of Engagement (ROE), plan indirect fire missions (artillery and rocket launchers), and view all friendly forces and detected hostile forces.

The Command Map uses Fog of War and will only display hostile units that are first detected by friendly forces. This makes reconnaissance essential in Combined Arms.
When routing ground forces, you can either set multiple waypoints to reach an end destination, or command units to follow roads.

The Command Map allows Combined Arms to be played as a Real Time Strategy (RTS) title.

1st Person Unit Command

For those that want to participate in the ground battles from a 1st person point of view, players can select most friendly ground units (most armor and visually guided air defense systems) from the Command Map, press the Command Unit button, and occupy that unit in the 3D world. Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft artillery, and short-range SAMs can all be controlled. Many vehicles have multiple types of weapons like machine guns, main tank guns, and anti-tank guided missiles; all of which can be controlled.

When in a 1st person command view, the player can also order the other ground units in their group to specific locations.


The Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) is an important role on the multiplayer battlefield, allowing JTAC players to designate targets for players in DCS aircraft. Using the binocular view, JTACs can use night vision goggles, thermal viewers, laser range finders, laser designators with programmable laser codes, IR pointer, and colored smoke to mark targets. The JTAC can be a true force multiplier.

Singe Player and Multiplayer

Combined Arms can be played in both single player and multiplayer modes. In single player mode, players can choose to play missions solely from the ground command point of view, or they can choose to fight the battle from the cockpit and direct ground forces as needed. No more do you need to rely on the AI ground forces to make the right choices.
When in multiplayer, Combined Arms really shines. Both cooperative and head-to-head missions can be played with at least 32 players occupying various ground command and aircraft command roles. The true digital battlefield realized.
Asus P6T, i7 975 @ 3.33, 6 GB DDR3, GTX295 (both GPU enabled), Win7 64, and HOTAS Warthog / CH Pro Throttle.




Més pesat que Kuban
Membre del personal
26 Desembre 2010
Online i amb molts jugadors això pot ser una passada. Es pot simular tot el camp de batalla pel que diu.

El que no se quin nivell de simulació tindran els vehicles terrestres...
S'hem fa la boca aigua amb les possibilitats.

Tan sols sortir ja tindrem que amb BS2 i A10c les unitats de terra, tant amigues com enemigues, ja no seran controlades per la IA. La missió de demà d'escortar el convoy canviaria 100% podent demanar al commander detenir el convoy, que s'avances per detectar amenaces ocultes, etc i el enemics podrien replegar-se, muntar "emboscades", etc... una canya.

A la llarga (i amb el FC3) la cosa podria acabar derivant en una mena de SEOW en temps real on, amb tot el mapa muntat i totes les unitats col·locades els commanders es podrien anar turnant i coordinant la resta de grups... convocar un parell de FC3 per fer una exploració de posicions enemigues, convocar tot el grup per una missió en territori enemic, intentar veure els moviments enemics i atacar-los, muntar intecepcions, tenim un parell de MIGs en pista per llençar-los davant qualsevol incursió, avisar a corre-cuita i muntar una defensa davant un atac enemic, etc... brutal!

La pega és sobretot el tema de l'estabilitat en multiplayer que ja tots sabem que en DCS si ens ajuntem gaire gent el simulador pateix molt (a veure si espavilen amb el servidor dedicat). També cal recordar que DCS ja portarà 3 Betas llançades (P51d, DCS World i ara el CA) i encara no ha acabat res de res...

Sobre el nivell de simulació jo no esperaria gaire... com a molt un Arma2... però el nivell estratègic que afegirà a les partides i la immersió a les missions ja ho compensarà.

El temps o dirà però jo en quan el treguin en pre-venta el compro :çboix: ...

... haurem de anar re-escalfant motors de BS2 i A10c...


Més pesat que Kuban
27 Desembre 2011
Iep si algú l'acaba comprant potser m'apunto çXD té una pinta genial. Es més podriem enviar un mail a la casa per dir que som una comunitat catalana de simladors i que ens facin preu especial per comprar-ne tot l'esquadró :çulle:


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
ED sou uns cabrons, no hem feu gastar mes pasta en simuladors. Te una pinta interessant, encara que les mires arcade dels vehicles em sobren i molt, però vaja a mi lo que m'interessa es la part aèria.

Una pregunta, si tinc el DCS.BS2, i el DCS:WH, em cal comprar això del combined? o el combined es nomes un paquet que ve tot per el que no tingues res?