DCS WWII: Europe 1944

13 Maig 2011
Figaró upon Còngost
Bones, no sé si heu seguit d'aprop aquest projecte.

Sembla que finalment el 5 d'Agost sortirà el proper avió de la sèrie, el FW-190D-9, ara mateix el teniu de precompra per $39.99 enlloc dels $49.99 que valdrà.

De totes maneres aquesta no és l'única notícia bona del dia: els que vam invertir - o apostar, depèn de com es miri- sembla que no haurem llençat inútilment els diners.

This pre purchase is target towards non-DCS: WW II backers. Although we are still tuning the rewards program, any backer contributing $40 or more will get the Dora as part of their rewards. Backers will get their keys prior the Dora release.

In the July update, I hope to have a clear explanation of the changes coming to the reward system.

As a pre purchase, this only provides a key; it does not make the aircraft available to fly prior to the August release date. The sole advantage of doing the pre purchase for non-DCS: WW II backers is the 20% discount.
Així doncs, si vau posar 40 o més dòlars estigueu al lloro per reclamar el que es vostre. :prot:

13 Maig 2011
Figaró upon Còngost
Bé, més novetats sobre el projecte:

després d'incendiar els fòrums d'arreu amb un nou repartiment de recompenses pels backers, on no només es reduien dràsticament el nombre d'avions que es rebrien (en funció de l'aportació feta) sino que a sobre no hi havia opció a escollir-ne els models, sembla que ED ha rectificat a temps per prevenir una hecatombe encara major.

Per tant la cosa queda així:

Dear all,

We have been listening to the good and bad feedback from yesterday’s announcement and we recognize that we made a mistake. We agree that it is not fair that someone that already purchased P-51D or Fw 190 should be forced to receive them again when there are other project aircraft they prefer. We apologize.

As such, we are in the process of redesigning the backer’s page to allow you to choose the aircraft YOU wish. You will get a number of aircraft selection slots based on your contribution level as listed in the list below.

If you earlier paid a shipping cost, it will be added to your total pledge amount.

Planned aircraft still include:

- P-51D
- Fw 190 D-9
- Bf-109K-4
- Spitfire
- P-47D
- Me.262A1

Bronze Backer credit in manuals

Bronze Backer credit in manuals
One aircraft of choice and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map

Bronze Backer credit in manuals
Two aircraft of choice and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map

Silver Backer credit in manuals
Three aircraft of choice and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map

Silver Backer credit in manuals
Four aircraft of choice and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map

Silver Backer credit in manuals
Five aircraft of choice and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map

Gold Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft of choice and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map

Gold Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access

Gold Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access
Copy of any Eagle Dynamics developed DCS product

Platinum Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access
Copy of any Eagle Dynamics developed DCS product
TFC Polo Shirt

Platinum Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access
Copy of any Eagle Dynamics developed DCS product
TFC Polo Shirt
TFC hat and calendar

Platinum Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access
Copy of any Eagle Dynamics developed DCS product
TFC Polo Shirt
TFC hat and calendar
Two keys for each aircraft

Diamond Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access
Copy of any Eagle Dynamics developed DCS product
TFC Polo Shirt
TFC hat and calendar
Two keys for each aircraft
One existing aircraft skin with your name below the canopy

Diamond Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access
Copy of any Eagle Dynamics developed DCS product
TFC Polo Shirt
TFC hat and calendar
Two keys for each aircraft
One existing aircraft skin with your name below the canopy
One custom paint scheme for the aircraft of your choice

Diamond Backer credit in manuals
All aircraft and print-ready PDF manual
Normandy Map
Normandy Map Alpha access
Copy of any Eagle Dynamics developed DCS product
TFC Polo Shirt
TFC hat and calendar
Two keys for each aircraft
One existing aircraft skin with your name below the canopy
One custom paint scheme for the aircraft of your choice
Your face on the pilot model of your plane of choice
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1

Us recordo, que a més a més dels avions WWII dels (ex)estudis RRG, VAEO està desenvolupant pel seu compte els avions de la Fighter Collection, a saber:
P-40F, Spitfire Mk XIV, Ha-1112, F8F-2 Bearcat.

http://www.veaosimulations.co.uk/forums ... pic=1695.0