En fi, sembla ser que la informació d'en SilverArrow era correcta i tal i com ell va dir serà completament opensource, així que el podrem traduir si ho creiem necessàri (jo ho podria fer).
En el video sembla molt prometedor el sistema mèdic en el que es pot veure el pacient i en una interfície 3D (0:16), sense haver d'interectuar i analitzar cada cop, quines parts del cos estan tocades
Additional Features
El fil principal es pot seguir a http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.p ... SE-and-ACE
En el video sembla molt prometedor el sistema mèdic en el que es pot veure el pacient i en una interfície 3D (0:16), sense haver d'interectuar i analitzar cada cop, quines parts del cos estan tocades
- Completely new 3D Interaction/Action System
Performance and reliability framework
Focus on modularity and customization
New flexible client and server settings & configuration
Improved medical system with various levels (Basic/Advanced) focus on gameplay/realism
Proper & consistent network synced weather
Wind and Weather Advanced Ballistics
Captivity System
Explosives System including different trigger types
Map screen improvements, marker placement and map tools
Advanced missile guidance and laser designation
Additional Features
- Carrying and dragging
Realistic names for vehicles and weapons
Realistic ballistics/FCS calculated in C/C++ extensions
Backblast and overpressure simulation
A fire control system for armored vehicles and helicopters
Disposable launchers
Realistic G-forces
Vehicle Locking
Realistic Night and Thermal vision modes
Magazine repacking
Realistic weapon heating
Combat deafness simulation
Improved Ragdoll Physics
Improved interactions for AARs and ammo bearers
Adjustable sniper scopes
No Idle Animation with lowered weapon
No talking player Avatar
Jumping over obstacles, climbing over walls and cutting down fences
Vector, MicroDAGR and Kestrel devices