RAZBAM Mirage 2000


Més pesat que Kuban
Membre del personal
26 Desembre 2010
La cosa s'anima i esta a punt d'aparèixer un altre mòdul: el Mirage 2000 fet per RAZBAM.

Copy&paste del mail d'avui:

DCS Mirage 2000C by RAZBAM Press Release
DCS: Mirage 2000C

The M2000C is a multi-role, French-designed, 4th generation fighter. It was designed in the 1970s as a lightweight fighter and in excess of 600 M2000C aircraft have been built. The M2000C is a single-engine fighter will a low-set delta wing with no horizontal tail. It has excellent manoeuvrability given its relaxed stability and fly-by-wire flight control system. The M2000C also includes a multi-mode RDI radar that is capable tracking and engaging targets at beyond visual ranges. In addition to engaging other aircraft with cannon and missiles, the M2000C can also engage ground targets with cannon, rockets and bombs. The M2000C is a perfect fit for the battlefields of DCS World!

We now bring an exacting simulation the M2000C to DCS World. The M2000C is highly optimized to work within DCS World and takes advantage of the Digital Combat environment that only Eagle Dynamics can offer.

M2000C for DCS World by RAZBAM will sell for $59.99, but will be available at a 20% discount during the pre-purchase period. Pre-purchase the M2000C from:

The DCS World e-shop at http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/
The RAZBAM e-shop at http://www.razbamsims.com/products.html

By December 2015, the Open Beta download for the M2000C will be available to those that pre-purchased.

For more information and support, please visit: http://forums.eagle.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=322

Key Features that the DCS: Mirage 2000C by RAZBAM will include:

    Advanced flight model providing realistic performance and flight characteristics
    Highly detailed 3D model and animations
    Highly detailed and accurate 6 DOF cockpit with mouse-interactive controls
    Realistic modelling of the aircraft systems including electrical, fuel, hydraulics, lighting, engine and navigation
    High resolution 3D model and cockpit textures, including specular and bump mapping
    Inflight programmable INS
    Synthetic runway display on HUD
    Realistic HUD and weapons systems including:
        Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground cannon
        Magic II and Super 530D Air-to-Air missiles
        Matra rocket pods
    CCIP and CCRP bomb delivery
    Realistic afterburner and over-wing vapour effects
    Numerous skins
    Instant action, single, and training missions as well as a campaign
    Training that includes interactive and video lessons.

About The Fighter Collection

The Fighter Collection, as well as developing software for the entertainment and serious game markets, also operates, rebuilds and maintains Europe's largest collection of airworthy WWII fighters and is based at Duxford Airfield, in the U K. For more information, visit our website: http://www.fighter-collection.com/


RAZBAM is a 3rd party flight simulator content creator since 2002 that has been involved with the Microsoft series of flight simulators (MS Flight Simulator franchise), Third Wire "Strike Fighter" franchise, Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D simulators, and most recently with Eagle Dynamics' "Digital Combat Simulator" or DCS.

RAZBAM has also been involved in professional simulation solutions for a number of military and civilian aircraft operators since 2007. For more information, visit our website at: http://www.razbamsims.com or our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/RazbamSims


Més pesat que Kuban
Membre del personal
26 Desembre 2010
Quina passada de video! Haurem de fer un escuadro de caça? ç?|

Faltarà veure què tal va de sistemes, si és com l'A10C/Ka50 o més aviat un avió tipus els del flamming cliffs. Jo esperaré a comprar-lo a que almenys hi hagi disponible el manual per poder-ne veure la funcionalitat.


Més pesat que Kuban
12 Abril 2014
Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Catalunya
rush said:
Quina passada de video! Haurem de fer un escuadro de caça? ç?|

Com sigui com l´A10 ja podem començar a pensar en un nom pel nou escuadró de caça ç:D ç:D ç:D ç:D :çamor:

rush said:
Faltarà veure què tal va de sistemes, si és com l'A10C/Ka50 o més aviat un avió tipus els del flamming cliffs. Jo esperaré a comprar-lo a que almenys hi hagi disponible el manual per poder-ne veure la funcionalitat.
A veure....tant de bó, jo no hi entenc massa, pero si diuen aixó:

Advanced flight model providing realistic performance and flight characteristics
Highly detailed 3D model and animations
Highly detailed and accurate 6 DOF cockpit with mouse-interactive controls
Realistic modelling of the aircraft systems including electrical, fuel, hydraulics, lighting, engine and navigation
High resolution 3D model and cockpit textures, including specular and bump mapping
Inflight programmable INS
Synthetic runway display on HUD
Realistic HUD and weapons systems including:
Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground cannon
Magic II and Super 530D Air-to-Air missiles
Matra rocket pods
CCIP and CCRP bomb delivery
Realistic afterburner and over-wing vapour effects
Numerous skins
Instant action, single, and training missions as well as a campaign
Training that includes interactive and video lessons.

Deu ser que tira més a l´A10 que a Flamming Cliffs no?

En tot cas hauria de ser un avió a volar en la comunitat ja només pel nom que tenim ç:D


Vaig a tornar a mirar-me la peli per posar-me les dents llargues... ç:D


Més pesat que Kuban
12 Abril 2014
Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Catalunya
Viper said:
Ohh, el Mirage 2000 mola molt. El DCS es la nostre ruïna.

Doncs pel que he llegit, la gent de Razbam juntament amb Metalmesh que diuen els entesos que són molt bons, són els que desenvoluparan el Tornado, el Mig 29s i l´F15E per DCS ç;)

O sigui que a veure com surt aquest Mirage, perqué si surt bé, aquesta gent faran moltes peles amb mi....


Més pesat que Kuban
12 Abril 2014
Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Catalunya
Viper said:
M'ha semblat un ramp start en fred molt curt i fàcil. Estic acostumat al del F-16 i l'A-10, on son molt mes llargs, en canvi aquest es pràcticament ficar la clau i ja està. No se si el real es així de fàcil o els hi falta informació classificada.
A mi tembé m´ha semblat molt curt, i segons diuen l´estan fent sense documentació oficial, el que m´imagino que vol dir que no tindràn accés a molta informació important i que algunes coses se les hauran d´inventar...cosa que no diu molt a favor de com pot ser el producte final. De totes maneres haurem d´esperar a que acabin com sempre per veure quin és el resultat final.

Nota del video: al minut 7:10 en Wags mira a l´esquerra i diu....que fan aquets F5 aqui? Aquests russos son raros fins i tot trolejant... :çboix:


Més pesat que Kuban
Membre del personal
26 Desembre 2010
Pel que sembla ser l'startup d'un Mirage 2000 no és massa llarg. En part és comprensible, eren avions amb poca electrònica. El que deu portar més temps deu ser l'alineació del sistema de navegació inercial (INS). L'F16 te molts més sistemes i és més complex.


Més pesat que Kuban
12 Abril 2014
Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Catalunya
Nou update de la 2.0 que inclou tot això pel Mirage M2000:

Add emergency compass
Add mirror (functions like rear-view camera for now)
Add Super 530D TOF (time of flight) and TTI (time to impact) HUD calculations
Add temporary switch definitions for controls binding
Add text to Selective Jettison switch coverFix cockpit knobs that didn't act like knobs
Fix HSI & ADI (Boule) giving incorrect heading
Fix ECM box displaying invalid number on rearm
Fix center pylon placement
Fix HUD geometry
Fix alignment of HUD elements
Fix interception ring logic
Fix GBU release crash
Fix to sustained turn rate
Fix for trim commands not having correct authority
Fix for AP not functioning in area of low ground elevation
Fix keyboard & joystick default.lua (hopefully this is the one...)
Fix incorrect flight model tail airfoil shape
Fix for calculations of tail aerodynamics & rudder effectiveness
Fix for total wind velocity using wrong value
Fix for incorrect fuel tank centroid
Fix flight model shuddering on groundFix HUD declutter switch
Fix missing text on IFF panel
Fix missing panel lighting
Fix various miscellaneous bugfixes
Update gun snake logic
Update input definitions
Update transonic drag modeling
Update roll/yaw coupling
Update manual
Update folder structure
Update default VOR frequency
Update panel lighting (notice backlight interaction with shadows/sunlight now)
Canopy lock feature enabled
New cockpit texture with missing labels


Més pesat que Kuban
Membre del personal
26 Desembre 2010
Kopant said:
rush said:
I només resolen els bugs de la 2.0? Malament anem...
El proper divendres surt la 1.5.3...be russian my friend.... ç:D
Te ous que primer treguin l'actualització d'una alfa i després de la release estable... ja ho dius tu: be russian. ç:D
28 Juny 2013
He trobat com s'extreu la pantalla del radar!!
-Arranquem el DCS
-anem a l'apartat de la configuració de tecles del M2000
-Pestanya Cockpit Displays & illumination
-s'ha d'assignar una tecla aquí: VTB Viewport ON/OFF
