Good afternoon. Excellent work in sinking the Grisha. However, approximately one hour ago, Seperatist forces left the cease fire line and invaded Krasnodar. Our fighter jocks from the 493rd hit them hard, but they still managed to destroy several key defensive positions and take the airfield of Krasnodar Center. Ground forces are reporting large numbers of enemy infantry with mixed vehicle support. Most of the fighting is house to house, which makes close air support all the more difficult. As of now, the Loyalist Russians are on the verge of collapse. With limited armor and anti-tank capability, they don't stand much of a chance againt T-80s and BMP-2s. Therefore, command has authorized the 81st to provide indiscriminate close air support to troops on the ground. If we lose Krasnodar, we lose this conflict. We have NATO reinforcements on the way, but it is going to take some time for them to arrive.
Loyalist forces have established a defensive line three seperate HQ's: One in the South West, one just to the East of the Krasnodar stadium, and the final at Krasnodar-Pashkovsky airfield. The loyalist forces have been isolated and now the Seperatist forces are moving in for the kill.
Its up to you to draw the line out there. Make no mistake, the forces out there are the enemy. This isn't some political bullshit. The forces under the command of Alexi Khirkov have been butchering the ethnic Georgian refugees along with Loyalist Russians for the past six months. It's time to pay the piper. Give 'em hell.
Threat Assessment:
SAMs: Manportable SA-18, Strela 10, Strela 1, SA-19 Tungusta
AAA: ZSU-23, Shilka
Default Loadout:
HAWG Flight [A-10C]: AGM-65D*4 and CBU-97*2 and Rockets M151*49 and TGP
BOAR Flight [A-10A] Lead: AGM-65D*2 and Mk20*4 and Rockets M151*38
BOAR Flight [A-10A] Element: Mk20*4 and Rockets M151*76
ENFIELD Flight [Su-25T]: Vikhr*16 and Gunpod*2 and Rockets S-8*80
HAWG (A10c)
Hawg 1:
Hawg 2:
Hawg 3:
Hawg 4:
ENFIELD (su25t)
Enfield 1:
Enfield 2:
Enfield 3:
Enfield 4:
Good afternoon. Excellent work in sinking the Grisha. However, approximately one hour ago, Seperatist forces left the cease fire line and invaded Krasnodar. Our fighter jocks from the 493rd hit them hard, but they still managed to destroy several key defensive positions and take the airfield of Krasnodar Center. Ground forces are reporting large numbers of enemy infantry with mixed vehicle support. Most of the fighting is house to house, which makes close air support all the more difficult. As of now, the Loyalist Russians are on the verge of collapse. With limited armor and anti-tank capability, they don't stand much of a chance againt T-80s and BMP-2s. Therefore, command has authorized the 81st to provide indiscriminate close air support to troops on the ground. If we lose Krasnodar, we lose this conflict. We have NATO reinforcements on the way, but it is going to take some time for them to arrive.
Loyalist forces have established a defensive line three seperate HQ's: One in the South West, one just to the East of the Krasnodar stadium, and the final at Krasnodar-Pashkovsky airfield. The loyalist forces have been isolated and now the Seperatist forces are moving in for the kill.
Its up to you to draw the line out there. Make no mistake, the forces out there are the enemy. This isn't some political bullshit. The forces under the command of Alexi Khirkov have been butchering the ethnic Georgian refugees along with Loyalist Russians for the past six months. It's time to pay the piper. Give 'em hell.
Threat Assessment:
SAMs: Manportable SA-18, Strela 10, Strela 1, SA-19 Tungusta
AAA: ZSU-23, Shilka
Default Loadout:
HAWG Flight [A-10C]: AGM-65D*4 and CBU-97*2 and Rockets M151*49 and TGP
BOAR Flight [A-10A] Lead: AGM-65D*2 and Mk20*4 and Rockets M151*38
BOAR Flight [A-10A] Element: Mk20*4 and Rockets M151*76
ENFIELD Flight [Su-25T]: Vikhr*16 and Gunpod*2 and Rockets S-8*80
HAWG (A10c)
Hawg 1:
Hawg 2:
Hawg 3:
Hawg 4:
ENFIELD (su25t)
Enfield 1:
Enfield 2:
Enfield 3:
Enfield 4: