Ja que sembla que al Staff torna a haver moviment, qué us sembla si per retrobar el tacte al A10c repetim una missió coneguda?
De fet aquesta missió consta de 3 WP amb objectius i quan la varem jugar no varem passar del primer. :roll: Així podem tornar a agafar tacte i preparar-nos per l'acadèmia del diumenge.
La missió original aquí.
Edit: Please note this mission is setup to restart after it is complete. If you host it, just delete the last triggers in the mission where it loads the mission (wtb dedicated server....or servman..)
Hi guys, here is a mission I made for up to 6 players for MP CO-OP. It is a scripted story of a downed F-15E where you need to assist friendly forces in securing the crash site, helping with the rescue of pilot 1 and finally helping with the rescue of pilot 2.
The mission it'self is pretty straight forward, about a difficulty of medium due to low-altitude sam/aaa. There will be smoke markers and scripted sequences. You could slew your TGP back to original WP your working on to see the friendly units securing that specific area once cleared.
WP1 - Crash site, enemy forces have set up a perimeter around the down F-15E. Take them out, once clear a friendly HMMV convoy will come in to secure the crash site, stand by for orders.
WP2 - Pilot 1, intel reports the first pilot is being held hostage in one of the various buildings near WP2. The enemy has sealed off the entire block, all streets around the block are not safe. Take out all hostile threats to allow friendly CSAR Blackhawks to fly in, standby for orders.
WP3 - Repair/Rearm/Refuel here if you do not wish to make the trip back to base as this airfield is closer. Be careful to chose the right one, as the other has enemy forces.
WP4 - Intel reports Pilot 2 is located at the enemy command post. It's heavily guarded by low-altitude SAM/AAA systems. Neutralize all enemy threats.
The difficult of this mission wasn't a high priority, rather a simple, forward advancing story where multiple people can take part of that was fun. Lots of targets, tougher with 2-3 people, easy with 4-6.
Verru 1: MadElf
Verru 2: Rush
Verru 3: Viper
Verru 4: Buran
Verru 5: Wawa
Verru 6:
De fet aquesta missió consta de 3 WP amb objectius i quan la varem jugar no varem passar del primer. :roll: Així podem tornar a agafar tacte i preparar-nos per l'acadèmia del diumenge.
La missió original aquí.
Edit: Please note this mission is setup to restart after it is complete. If you host it, just delete the last triggers in the mission where it loads the mission (wtb dedicated server....or servman..)
Hi guys, here is a mission I made for up to 6 players for MP CO-OP. It is a scripted story of a downed F-15E where you need to assist friendly forces in securing the crash site, helping with the rescue of pilot 1 and finally helping with the rescue of pilot 2.
The mission it'self is pretty straight forward, about a difficulty of medium due to low-altitude sam/aaa. There will be smoke markers and scripted sequences. You could slew your TGP back to original WP your working on to see the friendly units securing that specific area once cleared.
WP1 - Crash site, enemy forces have set up a perimeter around the down F-15E. Take them out, once clear a friendly HMMV convoy will come in to secure the crash site, stand by for orders.
WP2 - Pilot 1, intel reports the first pilot is being held hostage in one of the various buildings near WP2. The enemy has sealed off the entire block, all streets around the block are not safe. Take out all hostile threats to allow friendly CSAR Blackhawks to fly in, standby for orders.
WP3 - Repair/Rearm/Refuel here if you do not wish to make the trip back to base as this airfield is closer. Be careful to chose the right one, as the other has enemy forces.
WP4 - Intel reports Pilot 2 is located at the enemy command post. It's heavily guarded by low-altitude SAM/AAA systems. Neutralize all enemy threats.
The difficult of this mission wasn't a high priority, rather a simple, forward advancing story where multiple people can take part of that was fun. Lots of targets, tougher with 2-3 people, easy with 4-6.
Verru 1: MadElf
Verru 2: Rush
Verru 3: Viper
Verru 4: Buran
Verru 5: Wawa
Verru 6: