DCS Radio


Membre del personal
11 Desembre 2010
Barcelona - Catalunya
He trobat això, pot semblar interessant ....


Introducing the snappily named: DCS Simple Radio Standalone

The goal of this project is to bring integrated Radio Comms into DCS similar to my existing TS plugin and others (Aries, UniversRadio, TARS) but without relying on TeamSpeak.

The Standalone is meant to be a compliment for TS, allowing players to use Full Radio voice comms if they want with the eventual goal of the program automatically connecting when connecting to a multiplayer server. TS is then used as a fall back to establish frequencies or for those that don't have the radio.

Its quite early days but currently I have working:

All FC3 Aircraft with Realistic Radios and Frequencies + Guard Frequencies
All Clickable cockpit aircraft including Gazelle
Hotkeys for PTT + Switching Active Radio (Gazelle + A10C + FC3 only)
In Cockpit PTT
Intercom Support in L-39
GCI / CA / ATC Radio
Voice encryption for A-10C / Mirage / F-15C / A-10A / Gazelle
Radio Overlay indicating current frequencies, selected radio and active light when Transmitting or Receiving
Built from Scratch voice protocol using OPUS encoding - allows much greater flexibility as I'm not dependant on TS3 or Mumble.
Client Microphone Boost
Audio Separation
Optional Line of Sight
Optional Radio Distance limitations
Squelch Effect
Handling of Lag and Missing Packets
Support for 10 radios for Ground Commander / AWACS
Server side controlled expansion radios giving 3 radios to almost all aircraft including WW2 for training

You only need to run the installer to install the Scripts into DCS. The SR-Server.exe can be run without the installer. DO NOT run the installer or install the Script on your Standalone server unless your going to be flying as the server (no need too )

To Host the server all you need to do is run SR-Server.exe and make sure UDP and TCP ports 5002 are open. It does not need to be on a PC running DCS and you do NOT need to port forward if you're just using the client

Això només és un extracte del post sencer, però pel que he entès pot ser molt interessant, tot i que el meu anglès és :çrubl: ç:x , i puc entendre qualsevol cosa ç;)


Més pesat que Kuban
22 Abril 2014
Kassel, Alemanya
DCS-SRS now supports encrypted Radios with differing keys. If a Radio receives an encrypted voice signal but doesn't have either the correct decryption key or decryption equipment, white noise will be played.
Aquest paio no ha tocat una ràdio encriptada en sa vida... Simplement si la senyal està encriptada i tu no tens l'encriptació correcte no rebs res. Encriptació actua com un filtre i dóna protecció més elevada contra radio jamming per exemple...