Catalan Air Force!!! Osigui: CAF.


Més pesat que Kuban
Membre del personal
26 Desembre 2010
Frodo said:
L'skin és lleig de collons.
Dit això, no veig en lloc els comentaris ofensius. O aquest tio ha editat el comentari o li deu pasta a molta gent.... per no malpensar.
Jo em preguntava el mateix...


Membre del personal
Personal Arma
Personal DCS
Per cert he fet servir la "copia en memòria" del Google per veure la descripció original.

On February 25th, 2015, a Spanish Court declared unconstitutional the democratic and peaceful right to vote of two million three hundred thousand citizens about their political future, which took place on November 9th, 2014. I can't think of more anti-democratic act that the decision of twelve people, influenced by a corrupt, authoritarian Government worth more than the voice of millions of citizens.
This skin is to assert the right of the citizens of my country, Catalonia, to decide their future freely and democratically.
And please do not forget when designing missions including this WWII reividicative skin, to add Spain to the list of fascist countries, toghether with Germany, Italy, on the list of Alliances.
Tenint en compte l'any de l'aparell i el seu context històric, em sembla perfectament normal l'ultima línia de la descripció.