L'altre dia en Wawa demanava un Cobra per a DCS i sembla que algú l'ha escoltat!! Per l'any vinent tenim dos projectes de Belsimtek enfornats!!!
Com hem comentat forçes cops Belsimtek ha demostrar qualitat tant en les Betas de UH-1H com del Mi8-MTVs. Quines ganes d'agafar aquest Cobra!
La noticia aquí.
A més per el que llegeixo als fòrums sembla que com que el mode cooperatiu s'està enderrerint volen posar IA tant per als artillers de portes com per al copilot de UH-1H. La slinga també s'enderrereix....
AH-1G Cobra
Com hem comentat forçes cops Belsimtek ha demostrar qualitat tant en les Betas de UH-1H com del Mi8-MTVs. Quines ganes d'agafar aquest Cobra!

DCS: AH-1H Huey was the first gaming application from BelSimTek that was released in April 2013.
This game simulator that runs in the environmental resources of DCS from Eagle Dynamics. Currently the company is working on the improvement of the already issued simulator UH-1H, and started new game projects:
* DCS: UH-1H Huey release in November 2013
* DCS: Mi-8MTV2 release at the end of 2013
* DCS: F-86F Sabre beta-version to be released in spring 2014
* DCS: AH-1G Cobra beta-version to be released in first half of 2014
The games listed above will be released in the same way as UH-1H, in format of Add-On to DCS:World.
This game simulator that runs in the environmental resources of DCS from Eagle Dynamics. Currently the company is working on the improvement of the already issued simulator UH-1H, and started new game projects:
* DCS: UH-1H Huey release in November 2013
* DCS: Mi-8MTV2 release at the end of 2013
* DCS: F-86F Sabre beta-version to be released in spring 2014
* DCS: AH-1G Cobra beta-version to be released in first half of 2014
The games listed above will be released in the same way as UH-1H, in format of Add-On to DCS:World.
A més per el que llegeixo als fòrums sembla que com que el mode cooperatiu s'està enderrerint volen posar IA tant per als artillers de portes com per al copilot de UH-1H. La slinga també s'enderrereix....

AH-1G Cobra
