Plans de futur de ED segons una entrevista a Wags

Doncs això, he topat amb el "buidatge" de l'entrevista que van fer a en Wags en un podcast i sembla que el futur de DCS passa per:

Highlights, mostly nothing new

Mid range DCS ACFT closer to FC level detail (around 0.26.00)
F-86(thumbup.gif) & Mig-15 in development (don't remember these two being mentioned before) (around 0.34.00)
New Maps, ED & 3rd party (0.34.50)
Maps (EDGE), Nevada (delayed a "bit"). When done should allow new maps being developed "quicker" (0.41.08 )
After release of 1.2.3, finalize FC3, UH-1 will be released, work "diligently" on new modules (1.02.00)
Dedicated Server in works, hand-in-hand development with EDGE....on hold currently (1.05.25)
Eventually see a dynamic campaign. Not a question of "if" but "when" (1.10.00)
F/A-18C & F-15C internal ED developed (not 3rd party) thumbup.gif (1.11.40)
"Probably" APG-73 radar (F/A-18C)
"Probably" APG-63 Version 1 (F-15C)

Com veieu tot son projectes a mig-llarg termini. Si ho llegiu us farà la boca aigua fins que recordeu que es tracta de ED... :çno: Tant de bo que ho vagin fent tot... el que fa la il·lusió!