Tan sols em faig resó d'un post del E69:
Resumit, existeix una forma de crear scripts rotllo Arma2 per a determinar molt al detall els comportaments de la IA, etc.... caldrà posar-s'hi amb això del LUA...
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Recupero el tema, ya que veo que tiene mucho potencial
Hello all
DCS: World has new powerful tool for experienced mission designers - the Scripting Engine. The system provides control overt game objects behavior during the mission by using lua scripts. All you need is to be a programmer. Experience in programming lua is welcomed, but lua is a simple language and it will not take a lot of time to learn it.
Scripting Engine can be used to perform the same actions the Trigger System and AI Tasking System developed for: group activation, text message, sound playing, AI task changing e.t.c. The Engine also provides access to game objects properties. Mission designers can add very complex logic into their missions because using of programming language instead GUI means no limitation on complexity.
The engine is documented on Eagle Dynamics wiki.
Many thanks to Speed - the enthusiast who has done great job in testing and design. Druid_ proposed multiple useful features now available in the Engine.
Of course Scripting System is far from being completed. I have wishlist of features ordered by their priority and they will being added in next releases.
¿Alguien puede probar estos scripts? aqui (como archivos adjuntos en el post)
Por lo que se ve, el script crea un CGI terrestre que permite enviar cazas a interceptar para los dos bandos. Incluso creando la misión via el editor de misiones.
A little proof-of-concept script that simulates a Ground Control Intercept central for both sides that will send interceptor-fighters at aircrafts "detected" (in line-of-sight and within a certain radius) of Early Warning Radars. It will activate the flights and plot a intercept-course that is configurable by the mission-creator (for example a high-speed low-high-low interception as demonstrated in the demo-mission by the MiG-23's).
Se requiere MIST:
MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist)- enhancing mission scripting Lua
Mission Scripting Tools Version 1.1
Expanded Lua Scripting Library for mission scripting by Speed and Grimes
What is it?
MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist) is a collection of Lua functions and databases that is intended to be a supplement to the standard Lua functions included in the simulator scripting engine. Mist functions and databases provide ready-made solutions to many common scripting tasks and challenges, enabling easier scripting and saving mission scripters time. The table mist.flagFuncs contains a set of Lua functions (that are similar to Slmod functions) that do not require detailed Lua knowledge to use. However, the majority of Mist does require knowledge of the Lua language, and, if you are going to utilize these components of Mist, it is necessary that you read the Simulator Scripting Engine guide on the official ED wiki.
Community Contributions
The purpose of Mist is to provide a set of scripts for the DCS community, by the DCS community. We are open to people contributing their own scripts into Mist, but we reserve the right to edit your script in any way we see fit before “officially” including it into Mist. Also, feel free to contribute ideas as for what scripts to develop next.
Usage Rights
Feel free to modify or redistribute Mist in any way you see fit (even including it in paid content is OK by us), AS LONG AS you don’t try claim that our work is your own.
How to use it?
Mist is not a mod of the game files. You include it into your missions simply by using the DO SCRIPT or DO SCRIPT FILE trigger actions to load Mist at or near mission start.
Mist Guide
A full .pdf guide for Mist is included in the attached Mist v1_1.zip file.
Example DBs are also included
Encontrareis varios ejemplos y un archivo adjunto en el post.
Hello all
DCS: World has new powerful tool for experienced mission designers - the Scripting Engine. The system provides control overt game objects behavior during the mission by using lua scripts. All you need is to be a programmer. Experience in programming lua is welcomed, but lua is a simple language and it will not take a lot of time to learn it.
Scripting Engine can be used to perform the same actions the Trigger System and AI Tasking System developed for: group activation, text message, sound playing, AI task changing e.t.c. The Engine also provides access to game objects properties. Mission designers can add very complex logic into their missions because using of programming language instead GUI means no limitation on complexity.
The engine is documented on Eagle Dynamics wiki.
Many thanks to Speed - the enthusiast who has done great job in testing and design. Druid_ proposed multiple useful features now available in the Engine.
Of course Scripting System is far from being completed. I have wishlist of features ordered by their priority and they will being added in next releases.
¿Alguien puede probar estos scripts? aqui (como archivos adjuntos en el post)
Por lo que se ve, el script crea un CGI terrestre que permite enviar cazas a interceptar para los dos bandos. Incluso creando la misión via el editor de misiones.
A little proof-of-concept script that simulates a Ground Control Intercept central for both sides that will send interceptor-fighters at aircrafts "detected" (in line-of-sight and within a certain radius) of Early Warning Radars. It will activate the flights and plot a intercept-course that is configurable by the mission-creator (for example a high-speed low-high-low interception as demonstrated in the demo-mission by the MiG-23's).
Se requiere MIST:
MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist)- enhancing mission scripting Lua
Mission Scripting Tools Version 1.1
Expanded Lua Scripting Library for mission scripting by Speed and Grimes
What is it?
MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist) is a collection of Lua functions and databases that is intended to be a supplement to the standard Lua functions included in the simulator scripting engine. Mist functions and databases provide ready-made solutions to many common scripting tasks and challenges, enabling easier scripting and saving mission scripters time. The table mist.flagFuncs contains a set of Lua functions (that are similar to Slmod functions) that do not require detailed Lua knowledge to use. However, the majority of Mist does require knowledge of the Lua language, and, if you are going to utilize these components of Mist, it is necessary that you read the Simulator Scripting Engine guide on the official ED wiki.
Community Contributions
The purpose of Mist is to provide a set of scripts for the DCS community, by the DCS community. We are open to people contributing their own scripts into Mist, but we reserve the right to edit your script in any way we see fit before “officially” including it into Mist. Also, feel free to contribute ideas as for what scripts to develop next.
Usage Rights
Feel free to modify or redistribute Mist in any way you see fit (even including it in paid content is OK by us), AS LONG AS you don’t try claim that our work is your own.
How to use it?
Mist is not a mod of the game files. You include it into your missions simply by using the DO SCRIPT or DO SCRIPT FILE trigger actions to load Mist at or near mission start.
Mist Guide
A full .pdf guide for Mist is included in the attached Mist v1_1.zip file.
Example DBs are also included
Encontrareis varios ejemplos y un archivo adjunto en el post.
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