DCS World: A10c (22/05/13 - 22:00h)

Com que fa dies que no volem us proposo una coop que te pinta de ser senzilla. De fet es tracta de una coop per a 2 avions, però ja la modificarem al nombre de pilots que ens acabem apuntant (més a10c i alguns enemics més..).



Russian forces broke the Georgian defensive line last night, and took control over Gori.

The remaining Georgian forces stepped back to Kaspi and connected with US and NATO troops, building a new defensive line to try to stop the enemy advance.

They were able to halt incoming enemy tanks about 4 NM west of Kaspi, but are still taking heavy indirect fire from artillery somewhere on the outskirts of Gori.

Blue Task

Your Ground Alert team was tasked to respond to a C-IDF call from the allied forces currently defending Kaspi. They were able to determine possible point of origin about 5 NM east of Gori.

Fly to POO as soon as possible, find and confirm artillery position, and then destroy it.

We have been able to organize a massive joint SEAD mission to neutralize all radar-guided SAMs in the area, but be aware of short-range IR-guided SAMs and AAA.

1) Takeoff at 2000
2) Fly to POO, find and confirm the artillery presence
3) Destroy the artillery position
5) RTB

Ampliació zona POO


AOE Main: 134.0 VHF AM
Your flight: 303.5 UHF AM

Allied Flights:

Darkstar 1: E-3A AWACS
Pontiac 1: 2xSu-25T SEAD
Springfield 2: 2xTornado IDS SEAD
Ford 3: 2x F-16C SEAD
Enfield 3: 4xF-15C CAP
Boar 2: 2x-10C GCAS (Players)

Viziani AB
41°37'41"N 45°01'40"E

Grup Boar:

Boar 1: Viper
Boar 2: Madelf
Boar 3:
Sembla que la mala sort ens persegueix... dilluns problemes amb els addon del Arma2 i avui problemes tècnics amb el DCS... :evil:

Aquesta nit hem tingut varis endarreriments per problemes tècnics, i tot i que quedava temps, hem optat per ajornar la missió i repetir-la la setmana vinent.

Esperem que en Kiwi pugui arreglar els problemes amb les claus i per la meva part posaré una espelma a la moreneta per a que no s'hem desconnecti internet a mig ramp-start!!